Does Genetek have QF-PCR kits?

Genetek has more than 6 different QF-PCR kits for the detection of chromosomal aneuploidies for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y. We have Aneusure, Aneusure Plus, Aneusure Extra, Aneusure Extra Plus, Aneusure Max and Aneusure Max Plus.


AneuSure kit has 27 markers. There are 6 STR markers for chromosome 21, 5 for chr. 18, 5 for chr. 13, 6 for chr. X, one for chr. Y, plus SRY, Y/X b and AMXY for sex typing. The kit is a 5 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The two segmental duplications markers (i.e., 11/X and 7/X) enhances Turner Syndrome (i.e., 45, X) detection. The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3130/xl, 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

AneuSure Plus kit has 29 markers. There are 6 markers for chromosome 21, 5 for chr. 18, 5 for chr. 13, 6 for chr. X and one for chr. Y, plus SRY, Y/X b and AMXY for sex typing.  The kit also has two markers for detecting presence or absence of exon 7 of SMN1 gene in 5q SMA for simultaneous detection of aneuploidy and SMA. The kit is a 5 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The two segmental duplications markers (i.e., 11/X and 7/X) enhances Turner Syndrome (i.e., 45, X) detection. The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3130/xl, 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers

AneuSure Max kit has 33 markers. There are 8 markers for chromosome 21, 7 for chr. 18, 7 for chr. 13, 7 for chr. X and 1 for chr. Y plus AMXY, Y/Xb and SRY. The kit is a 6 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The two segmental duplications markers (i.e., 11/X and 7/X) enhances Turner Syndrome (i.e., 45, X) detection. The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

AneuSure Max Plus kit has 34 markers. There are 8 markers for chromosome 21, 7 for chr. 18, 7 for chr. 13, 7 for chr. X and 1 for chr. Y plus AMXY, Y/Xb and SRY. The kit is a 6 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The kit also has two markers for detecting presence or absence of exon 7 of SMN1 gene in 5q SMA for simultaneous detection of aneuploidy and SMA. The kit is a 6 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. AneuSure Max The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

AneuSure Extra kit has 33 markers. There are 8 markers for chromosome 21, 8 for chr. 18, 6 for chr. 13, 7 for chr. X, 2 for chr. Y, plus AMXY, Y/Xb. Among these, there are 7 segmental duplications (i.e., 7/X, 21/2, 13/11, 18/1, 6/21, 18/X, and 10/18) to give extra power of aneuploidy detection. The kit is a 6 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The two segmental duplications markers (i.e., 11/X and 7/X) enhances Turner Syndrome (i.e., 45, X) detection. The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

AneuSure Extra Plus kit has 34 markers. There are 7 markers for chromosome 21, 7 for chr. 18, 6 for chr. 13, 7 for chr. X, 1 for chr. Y, plus AMXY, Y/Xb and SRY. Among these, there are 8 segmental duplications (i.e., 11/X, 7/X, 21/2, 13/11, 18/1, 6/21, 18/X, and 10/18) to give extra power of aneuploidy detection. The kit also has two markers for detecting presence or absence of exon 7 of SMN1 gene in 5q SMA for simultaneous detection of aneuploidy and SMA. The kit is a 6 dyes system and accurately detects tri-allelic and di-allelic trisomies. The three segmental duplications markers (i.e., 11/X, 7/X and 18/X) enhances Turner Syndrome (i.e., 45, X) detection. The kits come with internal size standard and matrix standard. The kit is compatible with 3500/xl and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

AneuSure Extra has 5 more segmental duplications for chromosomes 21/2, 13/11, 18/1, 6/21, 18/X, and 10/18 in addition to 11/X and 7X segmental duplication markers but AneuSure Max has only 11/X and 7X segmental duplications markers. However, it has more STR markers for the chromosomes 13, 18, 21 and X

Yes, All Genetek kits including diagnostic kits (i.e., QF-PCR, AZF, Huntington, Myotonic Dystrophy, Fragile X, Friedreich Ataxia, Hapscreen, etc. kits), are supplied with an internal size standard (GT 500, GT600, GT E600, GT 1200), which is placed inside BOX-B in the kit package (i.e., kits come with box A and Box B). Box A has all the necessary reagents to perform multiplex PCR and Box B contain internal size standard and matrix standard.

Yes, All Genetek Aneuploidy and HapScreen kits are able to detect chromosomes abnormalities like Patau, Edward, Down, etc. syndromes.

Yes, All Genetek Aneuploidy and HapScreen kits can detect chromosomes abnormalities like Patau, Edward, Down, etc. syndromes. However, the Aneusure kits are specifically designed for QF-PCR purposes.

Yes, all our QF-PCR multiplex PCR kits can be used on direct samples like amniotic cells, chorionic villi, mouth swabs, saliva, or blood on filter papers. However, we strongly suggest that the user uses any of our direct sample to PCR reagents. These are blood diluting buffer using GT BLB (blood lysis buffer), CLB (cell lysis buffer), CVLB (chorionic villi lysis buffer), AFLB (amniotic fluid lysis buffer) blood or DNA on filter paper like GT DBC or GT DBC Blue cards or extracted DNA

Yes. The Aneusure and Aneusure Plus kits have 2 segmental duplications for the detection of Turner syndrome (i.e., 11/X and 7/X). The Aneusure Extra kit has three segmental duplication markers (i.e., 11/X, 7/X and 18/X).

Yes, all of Genetek multiplex PCR kits including our QF-PCR kits can be used on direct samples like mouth swabs, saliva, diluted blood using GT BLB (blood lysis buffer), CLB (cell lysis buffer), CVLB (chorionic villi lysis buffer), AFLB (amniotic fluid lysis buffer) blood or DNA on filter paper like GT DBC or GT DBC Blue cards or extracted DNA.

GT AZFScreen and GT AZFScreen Plus are infertility kits and are designed to detect Y Chromosome Microdeletions and Klinefelter Syndrome in infertile males. However, the GT AZFScreen Plus kit is specifically designed to detect both Y-chromosome microdeletion as well as the Klinefelter Syndrome. These kits have all those markers recommended in the EAA/EMQN best practice guidelines for molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosomal microdeletions: State of the art 2023.

GT AZFScreen v2 is designed to detect Y Chromosome Microdeletions and Klinefelter Syndrome. Furthermore, all Genetek Aneuploidy Kits (AneuSure, AneuSure Plus, AneuSure Extra, AneuSure Max, AneuSure Extra Plus, AneuSure Max Plus) and HapScreen Kits (GT Hapscreen DMD/ F8/ PAH/ HBB, etc.) can identify sex chromosome disorders as well.

Genetek has several kits for detecting repeat copy numbers in so called repeat expansion diseases like Huntington Disease, Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (MD1), Friedreich Ataxia, Fragile X Syndrome.

These kits come with all the reagents necessary to perform PCR and run on capillary electrophoresis instruments. They come with internal size standard and matrix standard. Each kit’s panel has bins to ease result interpretation and allele determination. These kits can be used on ABI 3130/xl, 3500/xl, SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.

Yes, GT HTT Detector is one of the Genetek Diagnostic kit for Huntington disease repeat expansion numbering and estimates the number of CAG repeat and based on the number of repetitions, the person is determined as normal, at risk and affected (Severe & Juvenile). Repeat number calling is aided by incorporation of bins in the panel. These bins easily and accurately determine the repeat number of each allele detected.

Yes, GT FA Detector v2 and v3 are kits for detecting repeat expansion numbering and estimating the number of GAA repeats for Friedreich Ataxia. Both kits are for both gel-based analysis and capillary electrophoresis or fragment analysis. The agarose gel will allow the user to see the mutant allele and fragment analysis allows repeat expansion of the GAA repeats if the resulting expanded fragment is less than 1200 bp. Based on the number of repeat expansion or observing mutant allele on the gel or fragment analysis, normal, carrier, affected statuses of the sample is determined. In about 96% the mutant allele has 90-1300 GAA repeats. In 4% of cases the disease is due to point mutation which can’t be detected with this kit.

GT FA Detector v3 kit enable periodicity or stutter formation which would be very useful for carrier detection if the expanded allele is larger than 1200 bp.

Repeat number calling is aided by incorporation of bins in the panel. These bins easily and accurately determine the repeat number of each allele detected.

Yes, the GT MD1 Detector Kit is designed to detect Myotonic Dystrophy based on repeat expansion of CTG. The PCR product is run on capillary electrophoresis systems like ABI Genetic Analyzers. Fragment size indicates the severity of the disease. The kit can determine number of repeats and stutter peaks provide interpretation guidance in case where repeat number is high. However, normal alleles are 5-34 CTG repeats, mutable normal (premutation) has 35-49 repeats and full penetrance allele is more than 50 repeats. Full-penetrance alleles are associated with disease manifestations. Repeat number calling is aided by incorporation of bins in the panel. These bins easily and accurately determine the repeat number of each allele detected.

The GT FXS Detector kit is designed to show repeat numbers. However, since in full mutation cases the repeat numbers may exceed 600 or more repeats, and this may cause low level of full mutant allele amplification compared with normal allele. For this, stutter formation during amplification can facilitate interpretation. The PCR product can also be run on agarose gel where mutant allele beyond 400 repeats can be visualized. Repeat number calling is aided by incorporation of bins in the panel. These bins easily and accurately determine the repeat number of each allele detected.

The GT HBA Gap Detector is an agarose gel-based kits for the detection of common Alpha-globin deletions (i.e., 3.7, 4.2, MED and 20.5 deletions). These mutations are responsible for alpha-thalassemia in Southern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia. Mutation spectrum in East and Southeast Asia is different.


The GT HBA Gap Detector v2 is an agarose gel-based kits for the detection of common Alpha-globin deletions (i.e., 3.7, 4.2, MED, 20.5 deletions and anti-3.7 triplication). These deletions are responsible for alpha-thalassemia in Southern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia. Mutation spectrum in East and Southeast Asia is different. Alpha-globin anti-3.7 triplication when coinherited with beta-globin gene mutations may cause beta-thalassemia intermedia phenotype.

The GT SMA Detector is a SMA Carrier Screening Kit and accurately detects deletion of exon 7 of SMN1 gene. The kit is Real Time PCR based and can accurately determines if a sample is normal, carrier or affected by determining presence or absence of exon 7 of the SMN1 gene. Also, GT AneuSure Plus, Max Plus and Extra Plus kits can detect absence of exon 7 of SMN1 or SMN2 genes, though the SMN1 detection is based on multiplex PCR and capillary electrophoresis.

When you look for a specific product, in that related page you can look for user manuals, certificate of analysis, safety datasheet, etc. For example, check out our Aneusure Max supporting materials.

When you look for a specific product, in that related page you can look for user manuals, certificate of analysis, safety datasheet, etc. For example, click here.

Genetek has Expand Long PCR kit for long range PCR. We have observed amplification of fragments with more than 15 kb length. The enzyme is a mixture of GT Taq and a high-fidelity DNA polymerase. Also, GT FA Detector and GT FXS Detector are Genetek Kits for long PCR for detecting expanded alleles. You can find more information about them in the Genetek website.

Does Genetek have HID kit for the X chromosome?

Yes, Genetek has two kits for the human X chromosome profiling. Our GT XDetector has 17 markers and GT XDetector max has 27 markers which 22 are X-chromosome specific, AMXY and three autosomal for extra power of discrimination.

Yes, our GT XDetector kit markers are grouped into 4 haplogroups. The markers can be found here. You can also see our GT XDetector user manual here.

Genetek has two kits for the human Y chromosome profiling. Our GT YDetector has 29 Y-chromosome specific STR loci and GT YDetector max has 29 Y-chromosome specific STR, AMXY and two X-chromosome specific markers for sex typing and three autosomal markers for sample authenticity.

The GT YDetector 29 kit is a Human Identification kit for male profiling in sexual assaults, forensic casework samples, paternity cases, human migrations, kinship studies and research use. We have included few autosomal STR markers in our GT YDetector Max kit to be more of use in mixed or multiple male samples in sexual assaults.

There are 35 markers in which 29 are Y chromosome specific markers, 2 X-chromosome specific, AMXY and 3 autosomal markers namely D7S820, D21S11 and Penta E

In addition to kits designed for the sex chromosomes, Genetek also has several kits for autosomal chromosomes, such as GT Detector, GT Detector Globe, GT Detector Globe Extra, GT Detector Paleo, and GT Indel Detector. These kits contain various markers on autosomal chromosomes and also have markers for the X, Y chromosomes and Amelogenin.

The GT Detector Globe kit has been developed to meet the requirements for global database search and can be used for most populations. This kit contains 27 markers out of which 20 STR markers are the new (2016) CODIS Core loci, as well as those STR markers which are recommended by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI). The GT Detector Globe multiplex system is optimized to amplify 27 markers in a single reaction, and these loci are differentiated with six dye system using capillary electrophoresis technology.

GT Detector Globe Extra Kit comprises primers in a multiplex manner which amplify 29 markers including 22 loci on different autosomal chromosomes, 2 sex-determination markers (AMXY and Y/X b), one Y-InDel marker, four Y-STR markers (i.e., DYS460, DYS627, DYS449 and DYS391) for more accuracy in sex determination and mixed DNA. Out of total 29 markers, 20 markers are designed on the loci recommended by CODIS 2016 (i.e. TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D8S1179,TH01, VWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, D1S1656, D2S441, D2S1338, D10S1248, D12S391, D19S433 and D22S1045).

We have GT Detector which has 17 markers. This kit is ideal for routine paternity tests particularly in medical genetics practice for sample authenticity and ruling out/in maternal cell contamination. It is all the 13 CODIS 1996 markers.

The GT Detector is a HID kit with 17 markers for autosomal chromosomes and AMXY for sex detection. It can be used on extracted DNA from blood or blood on DNA banking card or diluted blood using GT Blood Diluting buffer. 5-Dye fragment analysis must be used for capillary electrophoresis using this kit. The GT Detector Globe has 27 markers including autosomal STR, two sex determination, one InDel and one for Y chromosome. It can be used with extracted DNA from blood, hair, bone etc. or direct PCR using DNA banking card and 6-Dye fragment analysis is proper for this kit. The GT Detector Globe Extra is the same as GT Detector Globe except it has 29 markers including autosomal STRs, two for sex determination, one Y chromosome InDel and 4 STRs for Y chromosome.

Detector Paleo (with 12 markers including one for AMXY in a 5 dyes system) which has shorter fragment sizes is ideal for degraded DNA, aged or ancient samples, bone DNA, etc.

GT InDel Detector has 30 autosomal insertion/deletion markers. This kit has advantages over the similar kits in the market since its bin sets and markers are adjacent to each other. Although the kit has 31 markers (30 InDel and AMXY), it still can be run on machines with five dye capabilities such as 3130 and 3130/xl. Nevertheless, it still can be used on 3500/xL or SeqStudio Genetic analyzers as well.

All GT Detector kits can be used on direct samples like mouth swabs, saliva, diluted blood using GT BLB blood lysis buffer), CLB (cell lysis buffer), CVLB (chorionic villi lysis buffer), AFLB (amniotic fluid lysis buffer) blood or DNA on filter paper like GT DBC or GT DBC Blue cards or extracted DNA.

Yes, it can be used on direct samples like mouth swabs, saliva, diluted blood using GT BLB blood lysis buffer), CLB (cell lysis buffer), CVLB (chorionic villi lysis buffer), AFLB (amniotic fluid lysis buffer) blood or DNA on filter paper like GT DBC or GT DBC Blue cards or extracted DNA.

Yes, all the Genetek HID kits come with internal size standard. Therefore, the user does not have to pay extra for internal size standard as some produces sell internal size standards separately. This is an added advantage to our GT Detector HID kits However, we do also sell the GT Internal Size Standards (GT 500, GT600, GT E600, GT 1200) separately.

The internal standard size for each kit is placed inside the BOX-B in the kit package (i.e., kits come with box A and Box B). Box A has all the necessary reagents to perform multiplex PCR and Box B contains internal size standard, matrix standard and allelic ladder.

Yes, all the Genetek HID kits come with matrix standard included, which makes the used of these kits even more economical. However, we do also sell the Matrix Standards separately. Therefore, all Genetek Human Identification kits are provided with GTM5 or GTM6 Matrix Standard and are used for Spectral Calibration of the Genetic Analyzers.

Yes, all the Genetek HID kits are supplied with allelic ladders. The AL allows accurate reading of DNA lengths when the marker and unknown fragment have the same sequence and size and gives alleles repeat number for each allele. Therefore, all the Genetek HID kits come with allelic ladder included in the kit. The allelic ladder for each kit, is placed inside the BOX-B in the kit package (i.e., kits come with box A and Box B). Box A has all the necessary reagents to perform multiplex PCR and Box B contain internal size standard, matrix standard and allelic ladder. Nevertheless, if needed the user can purchase allelic ladders separately.

Does Genetek have kits for horse profiling or horse identification?

Yes, GT Equine is a STR based Kit with 22 markers (20 STR, AMXY and SRY) for rapid and accurate horse identification and parentage testing. We have GT Equine Extra kit as well.

GT Equine Extra kit has 36 markers including all those 22 markers present in the GT Equine kit plus 13 TKY markers used in Comparison Tests (CT).

No, GT Equine kit has allelic ladder included in the kit. The kit acts like our HID kits. The bin set will allow allele determination either as letters (as recommended by ISAG) or numbers for statistical analysis. Therefore, there is no need for conversion table as some other kits do, which make allele determination tedious and laborious.

What are the GT Internal Size Standards?

Genetek has several internal size standards. These are GT 500, GT 600, GT E600 and GT 1200. Each size standard must be used for the specified kit. For example, GT 500 is used for 5 dyes system and GT 600 for 6 dyes system, etc.

Genetek has two type of matrix standards. These are GTM5 and GTM6. The GTM5 is for spectral calibration for kits with 5 dyes systems like Aneusure or GT AZFScreen kits and the GTM6 is for spectral calibration for kits with 6 dyes systems like Aneusure Extra or GT Detector Globe.

Yes, all our multiplex PCR kits for capillary electrophoresis can be used on direct samples like mouth swabs, saliva, diluted blood using GT BLB (blood lysis buffer), CLB (cell lysis buffer), CVLB (chorionic villi lysis buffer), AFLB (amniotic fluid lysis buffer) blood or DNA on filter paper like GT DBC or GT DBC Blue cards or extracted DNA.

Yes, you can find GT Maxpure Agarose in the Electrophoresis category in the Genetek Website under kit accessories. The GT Maxpure Agarose is manufactured in EU and its performance and quality is guaranteed. The agaroses come in 500 and 100 grams.

Yes, GT Powerload and GT Loading Buffer can be purchased from the Genetek. GT Powerload is a fluorescent based loading dye which can be added into a gel during agarose gel preparation or even better to add directly into PCR product prior to electrophoresis. GT Powerload has staining dye, bromophenol blue and weighing chemical to act as loading buffer plus staining the gel for UV visualization.

Genetek has several lysis buffers for direct uses of our kits. For saliva we recommend cell lysis buffer (i.e., GT CLB).

Genetek has two types of cell and tissue lysis buffers. The GT CVLB or Chorionic Villi Lysis Buffer can be used for fetal sample or cultured villi cells (trophoblasts). Therefore, it is useful for tissue. The CLB can be used for lysing cells either buccal cells or cultured cells.

The GT AFLB is Amniotic Fluid Lysis Buffer for quick and reliable direct method for performing QF PCR and other multiplex PCR using Genetek multiplex kits. Using AFLB saves time and money since it directly uses amniotic cells to perform PCR. The kits have been optimized to give good results when cells are directly used. GT AFLB has been used extensively with most Genetek multiplex PCR based kits like: AneuSure, AneuSure Max, AneuSure Extra, AneuSure Plus.

The GT BLB is Genetek Blood Lysis Buffer, a special buffer to enable the user to use blood directly in a PCR requiring no DNA extraction. Diluted blood with GT BLB can be used as source of DNA and no DNA extraction is required.

Genetek has several lysis buffers for direct uses of our kits. For buccal cells we recommend CLB (Cell lysis buffer). For saliva we recommend cell lysis buffer (i.e., GT CLB).

GT DBC and GT DBC Blue are Genetek DNA Banking cards (Filter Papers). You can find more information about them in the Genetek website.

Proper mixing of all PCR component is essential for a proper PCR result. In another word some PCR failure may be attributed to improper admixing of PCR mix prior to thermocycling.  Genetek has special Taq, Taq Plus and HS Taq DNA polymerases with special blue, red and orange dyes (named Sky, Rose and Golden respectively) which upon mixing with PCR mix can act as an indicator for proper mixing since the enzyme with the dye will be visible at the bottom of the tube but after proper mixing, one can see if the mixing has been properly done.

Do I have to keep Genetek multiplex kits at -20 all the time?

Storage at -20°C improves durability and quality of the kit, however, storage at 4°C is also possible for short term (when kit content is used in few months). Genetek Kits also have stability at room temperature. Our stability study shows that kits are stable at room temperature for several months.

If the primers and enzymes are stored under proper conditions, they can be used after the expiration date, but the quality and performance of the PCR mix may be compromised and can affect the test results. Therefore, make a test with a control DNA (i.e., the DNA in the kit or your own know quality DNA) and check the kit performance. If it works fine, then use it. Retesting after expiration date is highly recommended.

Avoiding frequent freeze and thaw is recommended, but the kits may still work despite this and there may not be any change in their performances. Proper testing the expired kits is very important before using them in patient samples.

Genetek Kits have stability at the room temperature for several days (as shown in stability tests), but it better to keep them in the freezer.

Shipping process takes about a week for preparation and custom clearance. However, this is when the customer has confirmed the proforma invoice and shipping arrangements have been made. Shipping within the EU usually takes a day or two. Other countries usually take 2-4 days.


Depends. We sell box B component separately but usually box A component can’t be purchased separately.

It declares that the product should not be used in diagnostic purposes, and it is basically for research such as basic laboratory research, performance investigation, design investigation, etc. However, if the user intends to use it in diagnosis, must take proper precautions to avoid misdiagnosis. In another word the responsibility of accurate diagnosis lays under the users’ responsibility.

Usually we make kits with control DNA. Most of the times this DNA is for controlling PCR performance. In other times, it may be used as a reference. For example, our HID kit DNA profiles are available to our customers’, and they can ensure that the kit is working properly. The customer is not obliged to use our DNA but using it may be more convenient since we have done QC on our control DNA.