STR Based kit for Rapid and Accurate Horse
(Parentage Testing)
GT Equine Description
Horse identification, parentage study, horse race analysis, etc. have become a necessity in the modern world where horses are valued highly for their participation in various races, beauty contests, etc., Therefore, accurate identification has become an absolute necessity.
Equine identification, parentage verification, and race analysis are vital for entry into a breed or sports registration, for competition and racing records, as well as to prove ownership of the horse in question.
The GT Equine kit consists of 22 markers on equine chromosomes. The STR markers are distributed across 17 horse chromosomes. Out of these markers, 12 loci are recommended by ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics).
The GT Equine kit has many advantages over any commercially available kit. Namely, the inclusion of the allelic ladder and bin sets enables the user to genotype any horse breed with ease in a single multiplex reaction. The results can easily be converted to letter or number-based alleles or profiles. So, no tedious time should be allocated for the conversion of sizes to alleles. Though it is customary to have the result in letter format, number format can assist databasing and statistical analysis.
Premium Features
- Easy to use mix;
- Multiplex analysis of 22 loci in one reaction;
- From sample to result in just one day;
- Accurate detection with allelic ladder provided with the kit and downloadable bin sets;
- Latter and number allele calling by a click;
- Applicable to a variety of DNA sources – blood or hair;
- Direct PCR from pulled hair from the mane or tail of horses.

Chromosome Locations
Table showing markers, dyes used, fragment sizes, and chromosome locations for GT Equine kit. The kit is a 5-dye system to be used with CE Genetic Analyzers. The kit contains 22 markers which include SRY and AMXY for better sex typing.

Chromosome location for GT Equine kit. There are 22 markers on 17 different chromosomes. The kit contains all the ISAG recommended markers as well as three markers for sex typing
Sample Profile
Quality Control DNA (Letter type) | Download |
Quality Control DNA (Number type) | Download |
GT Equine Allelic Ladder (Letter type) | Download |
GT Equine Allelic Ladder (Number type) | Download |
GT Equine markers have been validated by extensive testing using Applied Biosystems™ 3500/XL and 3130/XL platforms for detection and analysis. Kit performance has been validated on more than 3000 horsehair samples.
The kit can be used on DNA extracted from various sources as well as DNA obtained using either horse mane, blood, direct sample to PCR (extraction free) like GT BLB (Blood Lysis Buffer).
Kit Content
The kit contains all the necessary reagents and buffers for multiplex PCR (Multiplex Primer mix, PCR buffer, GT HSTaq DNA Pol in Box A). Also, the kit comes with GT Equine Allelic Ladder, GT500 size standard as well as GTM5 Matrix standard for calibrating the Genetic Analyzer (Box B).