AneuSure® Max Plus

SKU: GT-11106 Categories: ,

Using STR for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, and X; Aneusure Max Plus, can detect tri and diallelic trisomies with speed and high accuracy. The kit has markers to detect exon 7 deletion in SMN1 gene causing SMA.

AneuSure® Max Plus

AneuSure® Max Plus Kit is a QF-PCR kit for detection of chromosomal aneuploidy as well as detection of exon 7 of SMN1 and 2, consisting 34 markers. The kit is for rapid prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies of chromosomes 21 (Down Syndrome or +21), 18 (Edwards Syndrome or +18), 13 (Patau Syndrome or +13) as well as 47, XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), 47, XXX (Triple X Syndrome), 45, X (Turner Syndrome) and other sex chromosomes aneuploidies. AneuSure® Max Plus QF-PCR STR markers are distributed across autosomal chromosomes 21, 18, 13, and sex chromosomes (X & Y). Segmental duplication (SD) 7/X and 18/X markers are included in the kit for the differentiation of X chromosome monosomy from homozygosity (i.e., it quantifies chromosome X for more accurate detection of Turner Syndrome and other X chromosome aneuploidies). Additionally, this kit includes 5 more STR markers to make 8 markers for chromosome 21, 7 for 18, 7 for 13, 7 for X, 3 sex typing markers and two for SMN1 and SMN2 totaling 34 markers.

AneuSure® Max Plus Premium Features

  • Simultaneous detection of common chromosomal aneuploidies plus 5q SMA (SMN1 exon 7 deletion or conversion);
  • Easy to use mix;
  • Multiplex analysis of 34 loci in one reaction eliminate use of extra kits or chromosome specific marker kits, which makes it less expensive and less of lab work;
  • Rapid diagnostic follow-up after NIPT test;
  • Accurate detection of Turner Syndrome and other X chromosome aneuploidies;
  • Applicable to a variety of DNA sources – amniotic fluid (AF), chorionic villus (CVS), fetal tissue, etc.
  • Can be used by any of Genetek Direct PCR products like GT DBC, GT DBC Blue, as well as direct amplification of Blood, Amniotic Fluid and other cultured cells, Chorionic Villi and other tissues suing these lysis buffers (i.e. GT BLB, GT AFLB and GT CVLB);

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures


D21S1809, D21S1446, D21IFNAR, D21S1414, D21S1442, D21S1411, D21S1437, D21S1435, D18S390, D18S391, D18S1002, D18S535, D18-GATA178F11, 18/X, D18S978, D13S325, D13S252, D13S634, D13S258, D13S797, D13S628, D13S742, DXS7132, HPRT, DXS6803, DX-TATC 13.3, DXS981, 7/X, AMXY, SRY, Y/X b, DYS437, SMN1 and SMN2, totaling 34 markers.

AneuSure Max Plus Markers
Using STR for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, and X; Aneusure Max Plus, can detect tri and diallelic trisomies with speed and high accuracy. The kit has markers to detect exon 7 deletion in SMN1 gene causing SMA.

Chromosome Locations

Table below shows markers in the AneuSure® Max Plus Kit. Names, dye used, size range and chromosome locations are shown.

aneusure-max-plus_chromosomal-locations Aneuploidy
Using STR for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, and X; Aneusure Max Plus, can detect tri and diallelic trisomies with speed and high accuracy. The kit has markers to detect exon 7 deletion in SMN1 gene causing SMA.

Sample Profile

Quality Control DNADownload
Down Syndrome (+21)Download
Edward Syndrome (+18)Download
Patau Syndrome (+13)Download
Triploidy 69Download
Turner Syndrome (XO)Download
Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)Download
Triple X Syndrome (XXX)Download
Affected with SMADownload

Comparison Table

The table shows number of markers for each Genetek QF-PCR kit. There are 26 markers in the AneuSure, 28 in the AneuSure Plus, 32 in the AneuSure Extra, 34 in AneuSure Extra Plus, 32 in AneuSure Max and 34 in AneuSure Max Plus kits. There are 7 segmental duplications in the AneuSure Extra and AneuSure Extra Plus. There are 2 segmental duplication and 5 additional STR markers in AneuSure Max and AneuSure® Max Plus kits. The availability of the above-mentioned kits provide medical geneticists with many powerful options to choose from, considering the requirements of each case. Our innovative inclusion of SMA detection power (by addition of SMN1 and SMN2 exon 7 deletion and conversion in AneuSure Plus, AneuSure Extra Plus and AneuSure Max Plus kits) creates a considerable advantage for any laboratory to detect fetuses who may be normal for aneuploidy but affected with a deadly and costly disease like SMA.

AneuSure Comparison Table
AneuSure Comparison Table


This kit is compatible with 6-dye system of capillary electrophoresis such as with ABI 3500/xL and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers from Thermo Fisher.

This kit can be used on various sources of DNA including DNA extracted from various sources or DNA obtained using any of extraction free (direct) materials from Genetek such as GT AFLB (Amniotic Fluid Lysis Buffer), GT CVLB (Chorionic Villus Lysis Buffer, GT BLB (Blood Lysis Buffer), and filter papers (GT DBC or GT DBC Blue).

Kit Content

The kit contains all the necessary reagents and buffers for multiplex PCR (Multiplex Primer mix, PCR buffer, GT HSTaq DNA Pol in Box A). Also, the kit comes with GT600 size standard as well as GTM6 Matrix Standard for calibrating the Genetic Analyzer (Box B).

User Manuals

AneuSure® Max Plus User Manual Login to download
GTM6 User Manual Login to download

Quick Protocols

AneuSure® Max Plus Quick Protocol Login to download
GTM6 Quick Protocol Login to download
GT600 Quick Protocol Login to download

Analysis Assistant

GeneMapper IDX v.1.3 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.4 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.5 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.6 Login to download
GeneMapper v6 Login to download


PCR Mix Login to download
Primer Mix Login to download
HSTaq Login to download
GT QCDM Login to download
PCR Grade Water Login to download
GT600 Size Standard Login to download
GTM6 Matrix Standard Login to download

Brochure / Catalog

AneuSure® Brochure​ Login to download
AneuSure® Plus Brochure​ Login to download
AneuSure® Extra Brochure​ Login to download
AneuSure® Extra Plus Brochure Login to download
AneuSure® Max Brochure​ Login to download
AneuSure® Max Plus Brochure​ Login to download

Size SKU. No. Order
50 RXN GT-11106-50 Order Now
100 RXN GT-11106-100 Order Now
1000 RXN GT-11106-1K Order Now
10000 RXN GT-11106-10K Inquire

There are numerous studies on the use of QF-PCR. One detailed “Best Practice Guideline” for using QF-PCR is “ACGS best practice guidelines for use of Quantitative Fluorescence-PCR for the detection of aneuploidy” by Mann et al. (2018).

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