When applying a new dye system to a genetic analyzer, it should be calibrated to avoid shadow bands and to obtain correct bands without shadow bands.
Genetic analyzers manufactured by Thermo Fisher are calibrated before they are sold to customers. However, if using a non-Thermo Fisher dye system or a kit containing its own dye system, the instrument must be calibrated.
Genetek kits have our own staining system and require machine calibration.
Premium Features:
- The GTM6 Matrix Standard contains 6 PCR fragments, each labeled with exactly the same dye as used in the kits named below.
- For Spectral Calibration when GT 6 Dye kits like GT Detector Globe or AneuSure® Extra, AneuSure® Extra Plus, AneuSure® Max, and AneuSure® Max Plus kits are used.
- GT M6 Matrix Standard is labeled with 6-FAM, GT 2907, GT 1803, GT 2712, GT 2107, and GT 500 dyes.
- The GTM6 Matrix Standard is compatible with Applied Biosystem™ 3500/xL and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers.