GT AZFScreen

SKU: GT-11301 Categories: ,

AZFScreen kits are for detecting AZF microdeletion. It detects AZFa, AZFb and AZFc. The kit is based on EAA/EMQN best practice guidelines for molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosome microdeletion 2023 recommendation.

GT AZFScreen

GT AZFScreen kit is an STS-based (Sequence-Tagged Sites) kit for rapid and accurate detection of Y chromosome microdeletions in cases of male infertility. GT AZFScreen kit is developed for the detection of Y chromosome microdeletions, a frequent genetic cause of infertility in men. Infertility is regarded as a critical problem for most couples. It affects 15-20 % of reproductive-age couples worldwide. Male infertility contributes to about 20-30% of these cases, out of which Y chromosome microdeletions cause 5-10 %.

GT AZFScreen kit includes 19 markers (including 16 STS, 2 SD [Segmental Duplication] and 1 STR). Primer design followed European Molecular Genetics Quality Network guidelines.

The GT AZFScreen kit can also detect Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY), another cause of male infertility in men. However, we recommend the use of GT AZFScreen Plus for detection of Klinefelter Syndrome. GT AZFScreen kit performance has been validated with extensive testing using Applied Biosystems™ 3500/xL and 3130/xl platforms for detection and analysis on more than 500 samples, either as normal, with Klinefelter Syndrome, deletions of AZFa, AZFb, AZFc, AZFd, or any combination of these deletions.

GT AZFScreen Premium Features

  • Multiplex analysis of 19 markers in single reaction which makes it less expensive and less of lab work;
  • For rapid and accurate detection of deletions in any of AZF related regions on human Y chromosome as well as markers for Klinefelter Syndrome detection;
  • Rapid testing for AZF related infertility in men as well as screening for Klinefelter Syndrome;
  • Applicable to a variety of DNA sources including our DNA extraction free materials like blood on filter paper like GT DBC, GT DBC Blue, and GT BLB;
  • Easy to use mix and rapid PCR to result;
  • Easy to interpret results.


SY153 (AZFd), SY127 (AZFb), SY157 (AZFc), SY625 (AZFa), X/Y b, SY90, M259 (AZFa), SRY(SY14), SY130 (AZFb), AMXY, SY86 (AZFa), ZFX/Y, SY84 (AZFa), SY254 (AZFc), SY134 (AZFb), SY255 (AZFc), DXS7132, SY131 (AZFb) and SY152(AZFd).

Panel showing markers and the dye used in GT AZFScreen kit. The picture also shows GT500 size standard. The kit is a 5-dye system to be used with CE Genetic Analyzers. This kit detects deletions seen in the AZF regions of the human Y chromosome in male infertility. It also has markers for Klinefelter Syndrome of 47, XXY detection

Chromosome Locations

Table below shows markers in the GT AZFSCreen Kit. Names, dye used, size range and chromosome locations are shown.

The Y Chromosome locations of the AZF and other markers for the GT AZFScreen kit

Sample Profile

Quality Control DNADownload
AZFa MicrodeletionsDownload
AZFb MicrodeletionsDownload
Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)Download

Comparison Table

The table compares Genetek Biopharma’s AZFScreen kits for the detection of deletion in the AZF region of the Y-chromosome in male infertility as well as detection of Klinefelter syndrome.


This kit is compatible with 5-dyes capillary electrophoresis system such as with ABI 3130/xl, 3500/xL , and SeqStudio Genetic Analyzers with either 30, 50, or 80 capillaries.

This kit can be used on various sources of DNA including DNA extracted from various sources or DNA obtained using any of extraction free (direct) materials from Genetek such as GT AFLB (Amniotic Fluid Lysis Buffer), GT CVLB (Chorionic Villus Lysis Buffer, GT BLB (Blood Lysis Buffer), and filter papers (GT DBC or GT DBC Blue).

Kit Content

The kit contains all the necessary reagents and buffers for multiplex PCR (Multiplex Primer mix, PCR buffer, GT HSTaq DNA Pol in Box A). Also, the kit comes with GT500 size standard as well as GTM5 Matrix Standard for calibrating the Genetic Analyzer (Box B).

User Manuals

GT AZFScreen User Manual Login to download
GTM5 User Manual Login to download

Quick Protocols

GT AZFScreen Quick Protocol Login to download
GTM5 Quick Protocol Login to download
GT500 Quick Protocol Login to download

Analysis Assistant

GeneMapper ID v.3.2 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.3 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.4 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.5 Login to download
GeneMapper IDX v.1.6 Login to download
GeneMapper v6 Login to download
GeneMarker Login to download


PCR Mix Login to download
Primer Mix Login to download
HSTaq Login to download
GT QCDM Login to download
PCR Grade Water Login to download
GT500 Size Standard Login to download
GTM5 Matrix Standard Login to download

Brochure / Catalog

GT AZFScreen ‌Brochure Login to download
GT AZFScreen Plus Brochure Login to download

Size SKU. No. Order
50 RXN GT-11301-50 Order Now
100 RXN GT-11301-100 Order Now
1000 RXN GT-11301-1K Order Now
10000 RXN GT-11301-10K Inquire

For further information on mal infertility , tests and AZF please refer to: European Association of Urology (EAU) Guideline on Male Infertility (2019) by A. Jungwirth et. al., and EAA/EMQN best practice guidelines for molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosomal microdeletions: state-of-the-art 2013 by C Krausz  et. al., European Molecular Genetics Quality Network.

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